Accessibility statement

Accessibility Statement of the Bridgz Website

We want you to know that we invest a great deal in making our website accessible and place great importance on providing equal service to all our users, including people with disabilities. According to data from the Central Bureau of Statistics, over 1,600,000 people with varying degrees of disabilities live in Israel. Website accessibility assists the following populations:

  • People with visual impairments, from those with complete blindness to those with visual impairments and color blindness, including those who wear glasses.
  • People with physical disabilities, including those with motor difficulties in their hands that make it difficult to operate a mouse.
  • People with hearing impairments who require subtitles when watching videos.
  • People with additional challenges such as reading difficulties, cognitive issues, learning disabilities, and more.

There is no doubt that the consumption of information from the internet is growing at an incredible pace in every aspect of our lives. An accessible website will assist in browsing, information consumption, and services for people with disabilities, as well as other target audiences. We use an accessibility tool (a graphic application) provided by Bridgz, which is designed to help make the website accessible according to Israeli Standard 5568 at accessibility level AA, as defined by the W3C’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0.

Key Points in Website Accessibility

In making this website accessible, we have emphasized the implementation of at least the following sections:

  • Standards: The website is supported by the most popular browsers in their latest versions.
  • Increasing the Display on the Website: Visitors who have difficulty seeing and wish to enlarge the display on the website can do so by simultaneously pressing the Ctrl and “+” keys. Each press will increase the display by 10%. To reduce the display, simultaneously press the Ctrl and “-” keys.
  • Operating the Website via Keyboard: Visitors who have difficulty using a mouse can navigate the site using a keyboard. Repeatedly pressing the Tab key will move between the different links on the page. Pressing Enter will activate the highlighted link.
  • Accessibility Tool: On some of the group’s websites, there is an “Accessibility Tool” from the company User1st. Select the accessibility profile for browsing the website.
  • Support for Assistive Technologies: This website is accessible and suitable for viewing by people with disabilities and allows support for screen-reading software. The site’s content was tested with the NVDA screen-reading software.

Screen Reader Compatibility

  • Keyboard Navigation
  • Blocking Flashes
  • Monochrome Display
  • High Contrast
  • Low Contrast
  • Enlarging Text
  • Reducing Text
  • Readable Font
  • Large White Cursor
  • Large Black Cursor
  • Magnifier Window
  • Highlighting Links
  • Highlighting Headings
  • Image Descriptions
  • Color Adjustment
  • Font Adjustment

Limitations of Accessibility

The website is a portfolio site containing information about the Bridgz advertising agency, a detailed list of services offered, a portfolio, and a blog with articles related to the field. The site includes various content management systems operating under the WYSIWYG method. It is possible that certain parts of dynamic content pages may include elements that the accessibility tool was unable to fully accommodate and may require intervention in the website code. If you encounter such a case, we would appreciate your contacting us so that we can correct what is necessary as soon as possible. Additionally, it is possible that the website presents content from other sites that have not yet been made accessible, and we cannot be responsible for third-party content. However, we would be happy to receive your feedback and reach out to third parties to draw their attention to this issue.

Accessibility Inquiries

For accessibility inquiries on our website, questions, clarifications, or additional suggestions, you can contact us via the contact page on our website. You can also contact us regarding accessibility matters at the following address:

[email protected]

Last Updated: 26.01.24

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